Transformational Embodiment (TE) is a personal development modality that integrates mindful awareness and creative action in forty-seven distinct, interrelated dimensions of human experience. TE systematically oscillates between individual introspection and dynamic expression in a group context. This oscillatory process plays an important role in shifting habitual patterns and removing obstacles to the realization of full potential.
TE closely tracks what is sometimes referred to as each individual’s unique “energetic signature” — both to ensure the safety and self-determination of each participant, and to maximize the impact of the process. Valuable inner resources are often revealed that may previously have been unrecognized or unexpressed. In some cases, participants report rapid breakthroughs in critical areas of life that may have been staunchly resistant to change. These can span from the most sensitive and vulnerable aspects of human experience, to the most powerful and dynamic.
For example
→ Emotional and interpersonal resilience and equanimity
→ Leadership presence
→ Physical vitality
→ Enhanced creativity
→ Enhanced productivity
→ Deepened empathy
→ Strategic limbic regulation and healing of traumatic emotional imprints
→ Greater ease and confidence – both inwardly and in outward expression
→ Renewed sense of mission, purpose and vitality